Information der Schulärztin

Dear all,

I hope you are and will always be safe!

As you all know, due to the current corona situation and the upcoming second wave we should all be aware of the worldwide applied precautions:

So the first and most important one is to stay home when sick as corona virus has now a wide range of vague symptoms so you shouldn’t send your girl to the school if she is not feeling well to rest, safe her and her colleagues.

The girls should wash their hands regularly and especially before eating with water and soap for at least 20 seconds or desinfect their hands with alcohol 70% as the girls are touching and holding many surfaces. They need to try not to share objects with other students to lower the exposure chance.
Wearing masks is a must – especially when the students are out of the classroom with a social distance less than 1 meter.

be careful, be positive and stay safe!